Themenportal HolzFachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e. V.


Projekte - Details

Verbundvorhaben: Konzeption und Durchführung eines Qualifizierungsangebotes zur Alltagskommunikation im Forstbetrieb; Teilvorhaben 1: Konzeption, Koordinierung und Umsetzung der Schulungen - Akronym: Alltagskommunikation

Deutscher Forstwirtschaftsrat e.V. (DFWR)
Claire-Waldoff-Str. 7
10117 Berlin
Franz Thoma
Tel: +49 30 31904-0
E-Mail schreiben
The main results of the project are the development of the seminar concept and the successful training of foresters and forest owners. The concept developed combines basic knowledge of communication science with current scientific knowledge and application in forestry practice. • Forestry and the general public - Current social developments and research findings • Development of misunderstandings and strategies to avoid them • Importance of relationship levels and emotions for communication • Change of perspective and dialogue "at eye level" as a communication attitude • Comprehensibility and handling of (technical) language, communication with (forest) images • Analysis of communicative situations with preparation and conduct of discussions • Opportunities for successful communication The seminar concept is aimed primarily at rangers and forest managers of all types of forest ownership, as well as forestry staff involved in public relations. A mixture of participants in terms of age structure, hierarchical levels, types of ownership, functions and federal states promotes the exchange of experience and formation of networks. During the project period, a total of 48 seminars (including the pilot phase) were conducted and thus over 500 foresters trained. The results of a survey of the seminar participants showed positive results: 91% of participants recommend the seminars to others, 80% see a high personal and professional benefit. The seminar helped almost everyone (90%) to recognize potential for conflict with forest visitors and to deal with it better. The seminar provided important information on how to reflect on one's own behavior when dealing with the public. This made a decisive contribution to improving external communication in the forest industry. After completion of the project, the concept will be available for forestry institutions to continue the training in this or a similar version.
Konzeption und Durchführung eines Qualifizierungsangebotes zur "Alltagskommunikation im Forstbetrieb" im Rahmen des Förderschwerpunkts "Informationen und gesellschaftlicher Dialog zu Bioökonomie und Nachhaltigkeit" des Förderprogramms "Nachwachsende Rohstoffe" des BMEL.

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